In the peace,
Of falling leaves,
I sing to you,
Wondering who,Will take my surprise,
Lingering by,
With such solemn
Empty eyes.I wonder
I wish
I grovel
I hissGive me peace,
I wish to be,
Your love today,
I will wait and see.- Grovel

My name is Earthcore.Translating to English is extremely hard. And frustrating. This language is obscene.However I am not here to pursue the failures of your language. I am here to ask a simple question.It feels as though as an experiment; my mind is faltering. I feel as if I know less that I should. And I want to right that.There is something happening with the UD. A weird amount of website domains has appeared on the computer screens of our leader, Lovia, for quite some time.I want to know.Tell me, knowledge me.What am I not seeing?
Experiments fail all the time, people mess up and ruin certain parts of a trial run and it causes the whole lot to be trashed.It’s hard to accept a mistake, especially when it’s living and is able to look you in the face.But you are one. And you must accept that. You must accept that you are one of those mistakes.
I begin to feel that it’s the end of you being here.
It feels like you are close, close to getting out of this maze and being free.
I know you want to know what’s going on, we all do, but we all barely know what’s happening.There is someone in the walls of this place, in the foundation of it. I don’t know how we would ever be able to get them out.Yet I know there is something. You are missing something to get to the end.
Find it.Use the tricks you know, use everything you have learned so far.And toreador.